Monday, May 3, 2010

Eclipse Re-shoots.

So the low-down on the highly filled drama rollercoaster, that is and surrounds the twilight saga.

They had a day in a park not open to the public in a gorgeous area. Their was nothing to see and nothing to report, Punk'd images rented a helicopter and got the shots that everyone was dieing to see. One of the other days all that could be seen were parking signs, crew signs, and a gate. What a pretty gate it was.. not. And the other day was in a small burnaby studio, not the same one's used in the past and all to be seen their were three police cars, multiple SUV's and some security. I went to one out of the three and the others were reported back to me. Although this time around not much to report set wise, our own Sexy Vampire Robert Pattinson was out and about Vancouver without security and with his friend Sam out for lunch and some beers. Its nice to see him out with a billion people chasing him and to not have security glued to his hip. Although I hope this continues for Breaking Dawn, I highly doubt it. I am happy to see them off because it means they will be back soon for more filming and that Eclipse can finally release, sorry it took a while to post but here it is.

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