Thank you to everyone who has followed me for the last year I appreciate the support and the fact that my postings are actually being red! Its been just over a year now that Ive been on twitter, and now im an expert at it! lol I have the application on my phone, and this time around when Breaking Dawn is being filmed if you message me, or tweet me I will get back to you, last year I was having troubles figuring out how to respond and what not! lol so don't think I was purposly ignoring you. I don't blog about the stuff that goes on all the time not during filming because their are awesome sites like that do that. And when I find a posting fomr her, or anyone else that I find interesting I will repost it but usually its just during filming. If your not already follow me on twitter @ vanvampires and you can email me as well at . I look forward to meeting more of you this year, when Breaking Dawn is announced to film here! (Wishfull thinking)